Lock Cha Tea Shop

July 18, 2019
Lock Cha Tea Shop (Wingchi Ip)

Lock Cha Tea Shop is an excellent location for Chinese tea and vegetarian dim sums.We have always desired to decide to try their particular tea and dim sums but whenever we arrived it absolutely was shut.

They change their particular dim sum selection every day therefore if there will be something certain you want to eat you need to phone them to find out because their site is not update.

You'd believe they would be friendly adequate to email or fax the day-to-day menu nevertheless they lack a fax machine or computer system to facilitate this.

There were a couple of products I wanted to try nonetheless it wasn't in the selection that time, these were 梅菜煎餅 (panfried maintained vegetable cakes) additionally the 煎薯仔餅 (panfried potato cakes).

The portions were rather small too, ordinarily you can get four pieces but right here you simply get two pieces which is very filling (maybe not).
This location is famous for Chinese tea not every dining table had a heater (shown on photo below) maintain water hot because there had been no plug underneath my dining table as well as did not I want to transform tables.

Interesting home manages made of mooncake molds.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★
Wrapped Glutinous rice with mushrooms:The glutinous rice had strong black colored pepper and also the stuffing was mushrooms stalks! It tastes a lot better than the ordinary glutinous rice with animal meat given that it doesn't have any fat in it!
Vegetarian shaomai $22:I happened to be amazed there have been just two in a percentage, frequently you will find 3-4!!
The texture of this ended up being quite mushy and sticky with bits of mushroom inside it.
Stir fried pasta:The pasta had been nice but the black colored pepper was also strong.
Each strand of spaghetti had been too short becoming acquired with chopsticks and too long for the spoon.
Beans with tofu noodles:This ended up being very good but could have tasted better with Chinese wine on it and the tofu noodles weren't soft enough.
Veggies covered with palm melon:This had been rather dull and tasteless.
Sesame dumplings in Jasmine tea:The notion of this dessert was really good, it absolutely was dumplings in unsweetened Jasmine tea and not the most common sweet liquid.
Frequently i really like Jasmine beverage nevertheless Jasmine they utilized ended up being also flowery for my liking.
Chinese tea:
I became expecting their particular teas to be great but most of those had a really strong flower scent that I couldn't like it.

Supplementary Information

Price: $2XX
Service: OK but sluggish
Provider fee: 10%
Yummy factor: Could be better
Sweetness levels: perfect
Food portion sizes: tiny
Sound levels: Noisy
Cup of water provided: None

Source: www.openrice.com
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LockCha Tea House, Hong Kong Park, Central
LockCha Tea House, Hong Kong Park, Central
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